INCRON and Software 4Emplo
Incron was created as a result of the passion and years of experience of those involved in managing Employees and developing Managers and Leaders in such a way that organisations increase their ability to perform better.

About 4Emplo

Our competences relate to the individual development of individuals mainly from Executive level, Managing Directors, Managers in transition to Leaders. They also cover the comprehensive development of personnel processes in an organisation. 

In achieving the latter, we use the authorised software 4Emplo and with it support growth of replacement and skills, competence development and succession building. An important role for us is also played by the appropriate control of these processes, i.e. personnel controlling, which allows continuous improvement of the implemented solutions in organisations.

Why 4Emplo?

An experienced team of experts

Our team consists of long-standing management practitioners and developers. We are distinguished by practice and knowledge translated into solutions and tools.

Practical and effective solutions

After years of experience, we have discarded what is ineffective, difficult, impractical leaving only the best solutions.

Proven solutions

Today, our solutions already cover several thousand people and dozens of locations, which also allows us to manage scale and enjoy the success of our customers.

Dlaczego 4Emplo?
Korzyści dla Klienta

Doświadczony zespół ekspertów

Nasz Zespół składa się z wieloletnich praktyków zarządzania oraz programistów. Wyróżnia nas praktyka i wiedza przełożona na rozwiązania i narzędzia.

Doświadczony zespół ekspertów

Nasz Zespół składa się z wieloletnich praktyków zarządzania oraz programistów. Wyróżnia nas praktyka i wiedza przełożona na rozwiązania i narzędzia.

Doświadczony zespół ekspertów

Nasz Zespół składa się z wieloletnich praktyków zarządzania oraz programistów. Wyróżnia nas praktyka i wiedza przełożona na rozwiązania i narzędzia.

Dlaczego 4Emplo?
Korzyści dla Klienta

Wzrost efektywności biznesu

Bezpieczeństwo biznesu. Dostępny pracownik wykwalifikowany

Jasna ścieżka rozwoju i polityka płacowa

Oszczędności na rekrutacji

Rozwiązania dopasowane do różnych branż

Decyzje personalne podejmowane w oparciu o fakty

How 4emplo influences the organisation

How 4emplo solutions influence the development of an organisation's culture

By introducing skills development, competence development and a culture of feedback into your organisation, combined with the business context and business plans for the future, you make a real difference to the Culture of your Organisation. You are building a culture that is based on agility, goal achievement, collaboration, commitment, promoting the best attitudes and behaviours and ensuring business development in conjunction with the development of your Employees.

How 4emplo solutions increase the efficiency of the organisation

When conversations about the competencies of individual Employees, Teams and their Leaders, are conducted in a structured, iterative, process-driven manner, and are embedded in the context of business plans, awareness of challenges and expectations increases.
Naturally, those who are responsible for realising these expectations take additional steps to meet them. At the same time, their competencies are developed to support the achievement of business objectives.

Contact us

Want to find out more? Arrange a demo

+48 665 613 586

we are available from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Address Incron Sp. z o.o.
00-844 Warszawa
Grzybowska 87
